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Wanna See What can I do?

A collection of my qualifications.

This is basically my online resume. You will find my applicable work history, qualifications, and experience and a list courses and certifications related to my desired field of work.

Writing Projects

See what I’ve written.

This is a collection of stories and articles I have written. I am slowly gravitating toward building a technical blog that focuses on AI, Large Language Models and prompt engineering.

I also write about gaming, Python and content creation among other things. Eventually I want to write an interactive Sci-Fi novel.

Artificial Intelligence

I use AI to assist in my daily tasks and enjoy sharing my knowledge with others.

Primarily I use AI to assist with code development but it can do so much more.


Follow along as I experiment with various ideas pertaining to the creation and adoption of new technologies in AI, social media and full stack web development.

Web Design & Development

I use websites to share my creations and have learned many skills along the way. With that said I enjoy sharing my knowledge of full stack web development via articles and tutorials.

Gaming and Fiction

I enjoy playing videos games and reading Fantasy and Sci-Fi novels in my spare time. It is also a passion of mine to write about these subjects as it combines many of my interests into one activity.